A song cycle on its way to an opera, with thirteen selections so far, created in collaboration with poet/soprano Emma Stace Darling

voice and piano / 42 min.

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Program Note

I began composing music to the poetry of Emma Stace Darling soon after I met her online and began reading her work, back in 2012.  When Emma – also a professional soprano as well as a successful painter – came to New York from her home in Italy to begin working with me toward performances, I resumed writing songs for her.  Together we performed the songs in four informal venues in New York in the spring of 2016, and then in a formal benefit concert in Hastings, England, in April 2017.  In early 2018, I composed five more songs, to make thirteen so far.  They are highly varied in tone and style, from mostly spoken, to mostly sung, to full-on aria.

fayre (2015)
love on the sea (2012)
my (2012)
that girl (2018)
i can see you (2017)
crash (2018)
if i lose you now (2015)
dearest dream (2018)
morphine (2015)
just drifting (2018)
in neptune’s arms (2012, rev 2016)
god (2018)
girl on fire (2016)
